A little bit about me
I burst onto the video production scene in 2009, and immediately began making massive strides in building an impressive business client base, mainly in the United States, Canada, UK and Australia. Back when I started, I was just doing it part time to raise passive income. However, from the onset, the intensity and creativity I put into my projects, meant it was only a matter of a very short time before taking it full time.
As a result of the recession in the UK, the company I worked for started downsizing and offering voluntary redundancy packages. I was probably first in line to seize the opportunity and the rest is history. I have never looked back since.
With my 20 year background in business analysis, strategy and improvement, I enjoy putting that wealth of experience into my own business with absolutely phenomenal results. At the forefront of what I do is Unmatched Customer Service. This is the ONE THING that sets me apart from anyone else in this league. I know this because my clients tell me so, not once, but all the time.When I take a project on, I always treat it as if it were my own. I always aim to over-deliver and come up with ideas the client had not thought of.
The beauty of the internet allows me to work with an impressive virtual team of like minded freelancers, who are based as far afield as the Philippines, Jamaica, United States, UK and Canada, thus making it a truly global business.
I’ve created Video Remix in response to numerous requests I get for changes and tweaks to existing videos that I’ve either created for my clients or they have in their libraries. Web videos, like fresh food, have a finite shelf life. Video Remix is the one stop shop for any video updates and compliments my other business perfectly.
So thanks for stopping by and do not hesitate to ask for a quote for your business web video needs.
Why I love what I do.
We’ve all heard stories about how a book can change someone’s life. Well for me it was not quite the pages, but the title of a book that changed my life for good. The book is The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything. Unbelievably, to this day, I still haven’t read the book, yet I feel as if I have read it! The title alone convinced me, when I needed to make a crucial decision in my life.
My passion is creativity, expressed through the creation of videos. Nothing brings me more self esteem, more joy, more challenges, more learning opportunities, more networking opportunities, more fun and a lifestyle I couldn’t swop for anything, absolutely nothing!
So to Sir Ken Robinson, I say thank you for inspiring me with the book I never read.